Thursday, July 28, 2011

Carol Wilson

Hello Kendra!

My name is Carol Wilson. Jace served on the reservation and we loved to have them over for dinner. Here are a few pics. I hope it helps! Wish him a great birthday for us!

The first set of pictures are at my house during new years eve. We bought creme soda's and had a junk think we played some games...can't really remember. We were suppose to go to my grandma's for a shoegame but they couldn't get permission to go down there so they didn't.

The second with them sitting on the auditorium area and around the table was at my nephew Ryan's wedding reception. I will send a pic of Danielle & I he will remember kidding.

My princess was only a freshman in high school when he was here I think. She's all growed up now...:( going to college now. I'm working at Sage Hospital still. I'm moving to Phoenix in the fall to finish school. Just alittle info.

We miss him. You both need to come down sometime and visit! Enjoy the pics!

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