Thursday, July 28, 2011

The Definition of Jace and Kendra

Sunday, December 7, 2008

I had a 12 page English paper to write and I was tired of being interrupted by Staja and Lindsey to talk. Staja just talked about her boy problems that weren’t really problems. They just liked her and she didn’t know what to do. I wanted to get away so I decided to go down to the empty room Jace had in his apartment.  There was an extra couch in there since Hansel brought his and Jace was the only one home so I was sure I could get more done there than at my apartment. I usually go to my office to do homework when I need to be alone but everyone that figured out so I had to find a new hide out. I texted Jace to see if I could come down and he said I could so I packed my bags and went down stairs. 
I went straight in the empty bedroom and started working. It wasn’t too long before Jace came in to say hi. We started talking and really got to know each other even more. It was a couple hours or so later that we saw Staja walk to the office then walk back. It was dark outside so she saw the light on in the room and figured that’s where I was since that light is never on. She walked on in and talked to us about her boys. She is so funny. When she left Jace and I kept talking and my English paper was put off. I really liked talking with Jace though. I didn’t want him to leave or anyone to interrupt, but of course Hansel invited himself to join the party. He was there for a little bit before going to the fireside.
Jace and I had started defining each other. I had been telling Jace that he was a player and his new nickname was CJ which stood for Castro Junior. Lindsey liked the original Castro which I so nicely dubbed him. The guy didn’t have the guts/balls to do anything about liking Lindsey so I said he was castrated and abbreviated it to Castro. Jace didn’t do anything about liking me so he had the same problem, but from what I had seen he had a problem only dating me. To me it seemed he had been dating another girl but flirting with me all week until Friday when she would come over. Jace asked why I thought he was a player and that started the whole thing. He asked me the definition of a player so I told him someone that plays a lot of girls. He said he didn’t and I argued that he did. I told him that if he looked up player in the dictionary it would say his name and he responded with, “only in Kendra’s Dictionary.” I give him props for creativity. I can’t remember for sure who did it maybe it was him that grabbed my computer, opened a new document in Word, typed Kendra’s Dictionary at the top then defined player or if it was me trying to prove a point. I think it was Jace but I can’t remember for sure. Somehow it turned into our definition of each other. We would change what the other person wrote too and the lists turned out very funny. It was a lot of fun and got things rolling in a good direction. It was good to really see what we thought of each other but at the same time we also talked about us through the things we typed. The final result looked like this.

Kendra: sweet kind concheer siderate ful sharing blunt super dazzling proportioned Loving crazy energetic betty cracker genius psychologist  hohoho mean easy chicken bagok meow,  Mrs. computer, hooker wild, shorter than me, taller than staja, yep, ha, random, spontaneous combustion, nuclear, wuss, likes pussy cats owners pool boy, spanks him often, he is hot burrito, likes sausage and black ones, clueless, super annoying, creative, creaton, champion asshat, spandex warrior,  dangerous, over analytical, awww fer cute, so amazing slut!!!!!!!!!!,  no fun, currently exploding bomb in china, is a whopper, fisher of sausage, les paul guitar, likes ho boys dogs contemplative, experienced in playing with dirty money, alien, nicest person ever award   polite, sort of strong, in proportional shape, memorable, where did that one come from, china, Taiwan, hockey player, chocolate divine, dr. pepper lover, messy eater, needs a fork, very unlearned at geography, hungry, don’t eat it will make you fat, skinny, super woman but can fly, poor hiker, bruised ass and thigh in strange places , knowledgeable,  wise as a wizard, forgotten, streaker, slapaho, huh? Its native american for slapaho, crotch commander, numerous skeletons in closet,  shamwow! Crumbly Eating egg samwich crumbs in strange places, pokey crumbs in bra, who wears those? Hippies, free, commander in chief, wasn’t paying attention, selective hearing, hahaha, full, naturally cracker,  eats jewelry, responsible, wondering why she is still jaces friend, cus he is sooo weird, bestest friend evarrrrrr, whatever, aww why not just cuz, cuz what, no explanation needed, ohhhh crazynesss, kleptomaniac, lost in wonderland, true, alice cooper, who? Gene simmons, stuck,  get unstuck duh, make a puzzle, I like puzzles, eat them, umm ok moto  moto.i flatuated? Clean, dirty bar impressive, doo daaa this is like text messaging, haha, so true, pointless, hooray

Jace: player  stupendous confusing  pimp hohoho nicest gut intelligent cheerful easy going easy breezy beautiful coverdude pirate, hooker wild, cocky,  rooster, big headed, small actual head, generous, taller than Kendra, nice, caring, cj, blondish, blue eyedish, resourceful, good speller, shy, friendly, punk, can read kendras head occasionally nope, super tough, wimpy,  likes pussy cats owner -pets her often, arrogant, rude, inconsiderate, so good at what he does, annoying, asshole surfer, stuck on himself, bias, winning, jewbag, very coordinated,  incompitent, over compulsive, smooyh yalker, mutilator, contradicting, como?, dense muscle,   unadventerous, leir jet liar, time bomb, going through withdrawals, not really =} too many hos, I need a ho, you have zero ballerinas, no you have hos, missle guided, addicted to mexicans, true, gay, unexperienced in what weird, so cool,  so not cool, inconcisive?  Incompitant but intelligent, underwear,  best eyes award, stell needs to receive  massage award, awkward, noooooooooo, hans was taking dump, its natural, strong, goal oriented,   more skinny, rockband king, black belt, Kendra catcher but almost died by one second, one second too late to catch Kendra, lazy old fart, picky, true, flasher, very blind, unconscious,   where is my ho, stranger, true, crotch triangle, likes crotch action, shamwow! Forgetful, super human, mumbles, yawns, father like, hans is my boyfriend/ sex slave, very cheap, llama ass, super pale white, forgot it, talks to food, got crumbs in his bra, manipulative, very, obsesswd with croch triangle, darkness, lampless, homeless, no, yes, black, hypocrite, hahaha, its true, I can type in the dark, cheater,  u fixed it,  aeeing believing, htrtdgh, sissy, winner all around, hello, hi, lame, you are to aspartame, huh? Como? What? De donde es l biblioteca? What does this mean? No idea liar. Huh? You are a liar. Where is the library
 I neck hurts dido, Greensheep, poop, code, yo mamma, yo poppa, to madre ur hos are waiting, here is hansel,

Hansel came home from the fireside towards the end of our definitions of each other and yet again invited himself to chat with us. We ignored him a little bit but still talked with him. He had a new toaster that cooked the egg while the bread was toasted. He was so excited to use it that he brought the toaster in the empty room and put it on the vanity along with the bread, butter, eggs, and cooking spray. We all had an egg sandwich and talked. My egg yolk was slightly gooey in the middle and it exploded on my hand but still good, even though it was around midnight.
Hansel eventually got tired and went to bed and I somehow fell asleep on the couch. Jace stayed there too. I woke up to him rubbing my back, saying my name. It turned into an all-night backrub and I slept with my head on his lap and he just rested his head on the back of the couch. I didn’t know what to think of the whole situation but I didn’t mind after all I had wanted something to happen for a while. The dark night faded into morning and I didn’t want to wake up. I rolled over onto my back so that I could look at Jace who was still slouching on the couch with his head resting on the couch back. We smiled at each other and he rubbed my stomach. He tried to be all sneaky and rub my chest but I moved my arm so he couldn’t. We smiled all flirty and I thought he was going to kiss me but he didn’t. I packed up my stuff after my alarm went off and went upstairs. I thought about that night all day and couldn’t figure out what was going to happen after that, but I hoped it would be something good. 

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